

An All-English Final for UEFA Champions League

An All-English Final for UEFA Champions League

Posted by Raj Talal - 1st place 4 trophies on 13th May 2021

Since the turn of the century, English Clubs have won the premier European Football Competition, UEFA Champions League only
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Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Posted by Raj Talal - 1st place 4 trophies on 5th May 2021

Covid-19 has affected life and activities all around the Globe dreadfully. In previous crisis, the sports industry has alwa
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The FA Cup

The FA Cup

Posted by Antonio Santorelli - 1st place 4 trophies on 3rd May 2021

Sports Lovers were particularly distressed during the whole coronavirus disaster as all of their activities including their
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European Super League - RIP

European Super League - RIP

Posted by Antonio Santorelli - 1st place 4 trophies on 24th Apr 2021

We play Football to treat ourselves with joys, pleasures, and beauties of life. These memorable and exciting moments do not
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English Players going for IPL trophy this year

English Players going for IPL trophy this year

Posted by Antonio Santorelli - 1st place 4 trophies on 17th Apr 2021

Player from England are the current holders and latest recipients of the coveted Gold Medals from International Cricket Cou
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Grassroots football and its roots

Grassroots football and its roots

Posted by Antonio Santorelli - 1st place 4 trophies on 6th Apr 2021

Covid-19 has been tough for us all to encounter. A stern test that we all faced with a great deal of courage and valour. Whi
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